Biggest Mountain Lion
biggest mountain lion

Mountain Lions were common in the Catskill Mountains in the 1700's and 1800's. Someone photographed the animal at the Brunswick School on Greenwich, Connecticut about 40 miles away on June 5th.Cougars (Puma Concolor) are sometimes called Mountain Lions, Panthers, Pumas, or Catamounts. The young adult male was killed by an SUV on the Wilbur Cross Parkway in Milford, Connecticut on June 11, 2011. The Connecticut mountain lion is the best documented wild Mountain Lion in New England.

Black markings decorate the mountain lions can be dangerous. Their bodies are mainly covered in tawny-beige fur, except for the whitish-gray belly and chest. Mountain lions are large, tan cats. Around 1930, all of them were hunted to extinction.The mountain lionalso known as the cougar, puma, panther, or catamountis a large cat species native to the Americas. Around 1900, New York State paid a large bounty for each Mountain Lion killed in the Catskill Mountains.

In rare cases, they can go as high as 250 pounds. Male mountain lions average around 130 pounds with ranges of 115 to 160 pounds. In Nevada the mountain lion population exceeds 2,000 animals. The mountain lion, also known as cougar, panther or puma, exists only in the Western Hemisphere and is North America’s second biggest cat.

They are tan in color and have a short hair. They are range from 5-to-9 feet long from the nose to the end of their long tails. They are usually around 24-to-30 inches high. Mountain Lions are FIVE times large then a Bobcat.

They can leap horizontally from 20-to-40 feet. They can leap vertically as high as 18 feet. The paw print is about the size of a man's hand (about 4 inches).

They will by stalking and ambushing their prey when they least expect them. Porcupines, rabbits, mice, or any animal it can catch. But, they will also take horses, sheep, bobcats, coyotes, raccoons. This cat can be found throughout much of South.Mountain Lions favorite prey are deer. They do hiss, growl, chirp, and scream.The mountain lion goes by many names, including cougar, catamount, panther, red tiger, deer tiger, and puma. Mountain Lions do NOT roar like a African Lion.

The DEC denies that this happen, and has posted numerous statements on their website that they never did this.At the turn of the century, there were a number of eastern states that considered a repopulation of Cougers. In 2007 or 2008 more mountain lions and grey wolves were released in Columbia County by the DEC. They will attempt to knock down and surprise the prey.Controversy over allegations of DEC Releasing Mountain LionsThe most accurate version of the story goes like this: In or about 2001 appoximately eleven mountain lions were released in Rensselearville, NY (southwest Albany County) by the DEC.

In the past, the DEC has acknowledged that people do, and have, released Mountain Lions that become too large to handle. When the owner called the DEC, the DEC dismissed the owner, and clung to the statement that Mountain Lions do not exist in New York, so any suggestion that the horse was killed by a Mountain Lion is false. The owner of the horse did research and determined that the horse was killed by a Mountain Lion. The DEC aggressively denys that this happen.The controversy started when a horse was attacked and killed in Albany County. Some believe that the NYS DEC then decided to secretly release them without public knowledge. This killed all of the plans to reintroduce Mountain Lions into eastern states.

biggest mountain lion

It made it appear that the DEC was conducting a coverup of a secret release of Mountain Lions. From this point on, statements from the DEC were not believable, nor credible. Some of the people who came forward of the release were extremely credible. It didn't take long before the owner learned of the alleged 2001 release of Mountain Lions in Rensselearville, which was close to the attack of the horse.

But, if a male and female mountain lion are illegally released, it is highly likely that a substained population would start, and continue to to grow.At some point a web site started to display images of "proof" of mountain lions in New York. Mountain Lions found in the wild in New York State are usually from either of these two possible sources. Sometimes people with permits keep Mountain Lions, and they escape from their enclosures. When the cubs grow up, they become uncontrolable and they release them. They also stated that sometimes people with good intentions bring Mountain Lion cubs into New York State.

Many of those picture are listed on this page. We agree with the DEC on this fact. Some of the facts on the page are incorrect, but the point is that none of the photos were taken in New York. You can read that page here.

But sadly, he titles the article with "Big Cat Tales", which makes the reader believe that he is making fun of the possibility of mountain lions existing in New York. Scott does make a number of valid points and statements. The article, "Investigating Cougar Sighting in New York" by Scott Van Arsdale. We will discuss this picture later.The DEC also published an article in, "The Conservationist" February 2008 issue. The exception is the blurry picture that appears to be a Mountain Lion.

It may be that many people are now not reporting any evidence. Some of them were very credible. We had no problem finding more then 44 people who have alleged to have seen a mountain lion in New York. The article doesn't mention that some people know exactly what a mountain lion looks like. While some people don't know what a mountain lion looks like.

Both Mountain Lions and the Lynx were found in much higher densities in the Catskill Mountains then the Adirondacks in 1700's and 1800's. Furthermore, the Catskills would be a far better habitat then Adirondacks. There are many locations on the west coast that have heavier traffic and the mountain lions are never hit. We found this statement not believable. The article goes on to say that the Adirondacks have heavy automoble traffic, so mountain lions could not survive there. Within a year, we were twice led to mountain lion tracks, which we were able to confirm as mountain lion tracks.

He doesn't come off as impartial as you would expect of a professional biologist.The NY DEC's official position is that Mountain Lions do not exist in New York. And, the article makes it appear that the author is part of the campaign to deny the existance of mountain lions in New York. While the article is interesting and informative, here is also siginifcant information left out of the article. Florida does have a high road kill problem, but the parameters are much different.

There are some credible historical records that state that some may have existed up into the 1920's. While New York State alleges that the last one was killed in 1894. We would agree with this statement. The NYS DEC aggressively alleges that Mountain Lions do not exist naturally in New York State.

Mountain Lions have been seen in Delmar, Coeymans, Cooperstown, Coxsackie, Hunter, Newburg, Hartwick, Saratoga, Speculator Lake, Stamford, Raquette Lake, and many other locations. Over the past couple of years. This may be true in some cases. When Mountain Lions are found or killed, the DEC claims that they were pets who were illegally released by their owners or escapees. And, that they may be living, reproducing, and substaning in New York. But, the DEC is not willing to acknowledge that mountain lions may have been illegally, accidentally, or naturally reintroduced.

But, after comparing it to an almost identical picture of a Bobcat, we concur with the DEC. At first glance it does look like a mountain lion. Attached to the article was a picture of the cat. The Kaaterskill Mountain Range is an ideal habitat for Mountain Lions.A number of years ago, the The Kingston Freeman ran an article of a Mountain Lion Found in Hartwick, New York. The mountain lion was tracked across the Indian Head Mountain Range, and across the Huckleberry Trail. A mountain lion was seen running across Rt 214 in the winter of 2009.

While mountain lions do have a little whiteness to their ear, it is not as white as shown in the picture. The right ear does look identical to a Bobcat. The tail does not answer the question. But, the tail does not have the signature black tip of a Bobcat. The tail does not appear to long, but it does appear to be bobbed like a Bobcat.

Mountain Lions are five times large then a Bobcat. If it was a mountain lion you would expect it to be bigger in the picture. Mountain lions do not have this, so again it make the picture look more like a Bobcat. The picture also shows a large white streak on the lower neck.

biggest mountain lion